Persistent Research paper

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Persistence comes from many places. It can be learned as we age, or we can just be born persistent. I feel that as we age our persistence changes. When we are little we are persistent about certain things like riding a bike, but as we get older our attitude changes. To become more persistent in the work place to get a better position or in school to get better grades or to finally get a degree in some thing.You have to be persistent in anything and everything to get what you want. Some things come easy and don’t but whether or not something is easy you have to work your hardest to get the best outcome.  I think that persistence come from us humans striving to be perfect. Trying to have everything we want no matter what it is, or how hard it is going to be.

To become persistent you first have to  “List down all your desires and wants, no matter how impossible they are to achieve in the moment”(Macabasco) because “Before you can develop persistence and eventually achieve success, you need to first identify your wants or desires” (Macabasco). This shows that any one can be persistent. You just have to plan things out, do what you say you want to do. If you never attempt it you will never know if you could have done it your self. Once you figure out what it is you want to do tell everyone. No one wants to see you fail, well I am sure some do but who cares what they have to say. There will be tons of people looking to help you in any way they can.

Any one can be persistent you but you need to take intuitive. Any one can do anything no matter how hard something may be “I’m starting to think it’s not even worth all of this work” (Pinto). Sound familiar? I say it all the time but when you take the time to actually figure it out, to really do something the right way it is so worth it. Most thing are hard when they are new and can still be hard once you know what you are doing; but “If you know why you’re doing what you’re doing, it gives you more energy to keep moving” (Macabasco). Its hard to get used to things, it happens to every body. No one is good at everything when they just start.” Every little bolt on this car tried my patience and continuously had me cursing at my car as if it were an actual person” is what Pinto said when he was trying to fix his car. After he had done it many times before, it was still hard for him to do. he also says “All those hours spent banging my knuckles against metal as I tried to loosen a bolt in a tricky spot and all those shirts that went in the garbage from being covered in grease all seemed worth it” (Pinto). This in itself goes to show how being persistent can make anything happen.

Persistence does not have have to be something that you physically work on either. Persistence can happen with feelings too like over coming a fear or phobia. Whether it be public speaking or spiders persistence can make you be able to do anything. Jason say he knew he had in issue with his anxiety when “I was unable to force myself to ask for help, and I quickly fell behind” (Davis). He knew he had to take action and when he got to college “Group work in classes forced me to face my social anxiety head-on, and it caused more problems with performance in class than it helped me open up” (Davis). He has taken the steps to know what he wants and know how to get it. Its hard for him as it is for many other people but he has been persistent and is constantly working at it. He now pushes himself  “to talk to others more when I can, just to make it easier to talk when necessary” (Davis)

So just to recap here. You can do anything! You just need to have the persistence to do it. No matter what it is or how how much you think you cant do it, you can. From fixing your car to over coming fears. Just do something completely new, how are you to know if you’re good at it or not if you never try? We strive to be perfect, and that’s impossible but we can accomplish all of our wants and needs and dreams if we just try and do whatever it takes to get there. “There will be countless times you will be faced with defeat and failures that if you are weak, you’ll be succumbing to negative thoughts of fears and doubts” (Macabasco), but don’t, if you do not continue to try you will never succeed. Failure is how you get success, if it was easy everyone would be doing it.


Davis, Jason. “College Writing.” College Writing. N.p., 18 Feb. 2014. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.

Macabasco, Lou. “6 Effective Ways to Become Persistent.” Lifehack RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.

Pinto, Dillon. “English 101 » Grease Monkey 101: Making Money – Revised.” English 101 » Grease Monkey 101: Making Money       Revised. N.p., 18 Feb. 2014. Web. 12 Mar. 2014.


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